Implement a function that:
Is named avg
Takes a variable number of integer arguments; it is guaranteed that at least one argument will be passed
Returns the average value of the passed arguments as a float
The implementation will be tested by a provided code stub on several input files. Each input file contains one line with space-separated arguments for the function. The function will be called with those arguments, and the returned result will be printed to the output with exactly 2 decimal places.
3 arguments are read and passed to the function: 1, 2, and 3. The average is calculated to be (1 + 2 + 3) / 3 = 2.00. This is then returned as a float to be printed.
1 ≤ number of arguments for the function ≤ 100
-100 ≤ value of passed arguments ≤ 100
In the first and only line, there are space-separated integers that denote the values to be passed to the function.
Sample Input
STDIN Function ----- ----- 2 5 → arguments = [2, 5]
Sample Output
The function will be called with 2 arguments having values 2 and 5. The average of those numbers is 3.5. This value is returned and will be printed to the output with 2 decimal places.
Sample Input
STDIN Function ----- ----- 7 → arguments = 7
Sample Output
The function will be called with 1 argument with the value 7. The average of one number is the number itself, so 7.0 is returned in this case. That value will be printed to the output with 2 decimal places.